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Vivre 100 Fibromes

Vivre 100 fibromes is the first Quebec association to inform, raise awareness and support women suffering from uterine fibroids since its foundation in 2016.

At Skaly, we firmly believe in the importance of supporting women's health and well-being. That's why we are proud to announce our partnership with the Vivre 100 Fibromes association, dedicated to informing, supporting, and contributing to research on uterine fibroids.

Our commitment: As a donor company, Skaly pledges to donate 3% of its annual revenue to Vivre 100 Fibromes. This contribution will help the association to:

  • Inform: Raise awareness among women, health professionals, and public institutions about uterine fibroids.
  • Support: Break the social isolation of affected women and offer them activities that promote their well-being.
  • Contribute: Promote research and establish medical-social partnerships between hospitals and health organizations.

Our shared mission: Inspired by our goal to provide reusable and comfortable menstrual lingerie solutions, we have found a natural ally in Vivre 100 Fibromes. Together, we aim to improve the medical, social, and psychological conditions of women suffering from uterine fibroids.

Learn more about Vivre 100 Fibromes and support this essential cause by visiting their website:


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